Thresholds – Venice Biennale

Under the title Thresholds, the German Pavilion at the 60th Venice Biennale 2024 narrates history and the future from various artistic positions. Thresholds stands for the present as a place where no one can stay and that only exists because one thing has occurred and another still awaits. For people with biographies characterized by migration, […]

Sound Space Sense – DNA21

The New Alphabet, Volume 21  A publication series by HKW Berlin Editors: Detlef Diederichsen, Arno Raffeiner, Jan St. Werner Publisher: Spector Books 90 pages, German and English edition Color illustrations, paperback with folded dust cover ISBN DE: 978-3-95905-657-1 ISBN EN: 978-3-95905-658-8 Price: 10 € People perceive audio events in very different ways. There is still […]

Excitation Resonance – Ebensperger

Jan St. Werner Excitation Resonance Ebensperger Berlin 15.09.–11.11.2023 Fichtebunker, Fichtestraße 6, 10967 Berlin For Ebensperger’s first exhibition at its new gallery spaces, electronic music artist and composer Jan St. Werner sonically activates Fichtebunker with custom built loudspeaker instruments beaming electronic sounds through a sequence of resonating chambers.

Excitatory Yards – Bundeskunsthalle Bonn

Excitatory Yards, 2023 Participatory Space Synthesis Installation For Two Rotatable Speaker Panels And Electronic Sound With Michael Akstaller, Thomas Richter, Oliver Mayer, Marcin Pietruszewski With his two experimental sound stations, Excitatory Yards, Jan St. Werner allows the architecture of the Bundeskunsthalle to be perceived in a conscious and different way, as the installation functions as […]

Space Synthesis – Hatje Cantz

Edited by: Çağla İlk, Jan St. Werner Texts by: Michael Akstaller, Nikola Bojić, Louis Chude-Sokei, Damir Gamulin, Çağla İlk, Gascia Ouzounian, Patricia Reed, Jan St. Werner, Oswald Wiener Graphic Design: Rupert Smyth German, English 2023, 252 Pages, 60 Ills. Paperback with flaps 235mm x 210mm ISBN: 978-3-7757-5576-4 How can one inhabit a sound? What perspectives […]


Chapel of Serralves Villa Serralves Foundation Porto 02 JUN – 24 SEP 2023 This sound installation offers an auditory experience of spatial depth via distance. You see the height of the staircase and instantaneously understand that the noises and voices from the ground floor are reflected above its height and back down to the ground […]

Space Synthesis – Kunsthalle Baden-Baden

May 05 – July 02, 2023 With Space Synthesis, St. Werner transforms the Kunsthalle into a sound space, a large instrument. The exhibition embarks on a dynamic investigation of human thought about sound by assuming that each of us perceives sounds differently. Between different sound sources and sound-reflecting surfaces, a stage – continuously changing in […]

Phantom Words Spatial – Diana Deutsch

Diana Deutsch in collaboration with Jan St. Werner “Our ability to recognize speech is amazing. We can recognize words and phrases that are produced by different speakers – including those using dfferent dialects – and we can also recognize words that are produced by the same speakers when they are in different emotional states. But […]

Spaint Chords – Lenbachhaus

In this performative tape composition custom-built loudspeaker panels emit five continually shifting frequency bands in narrow sonic beams. The panels are handheld by five performers who choreograph their movements to allow for exchanges between their frequencies and to evoke acoustic responses from the surrounding room. The piece mixes electronically generated material with recordings of instruments […]

Translation from Unspecified – Blue Chopsticks

David Grubbs and Jan St. Werner met in the mid-1990s when Grubbs was playing with Gastr del Sol and the Red Krayola and St. Werner in Mouse on Mars and Microstoria. After years of exchanging ideas, they’ve finally begun locking horns as a duo, with live appearances and a full-length album on Blue Chopsticks on […]

space academy

The Space Academy follows its own principles of knowledge production via oral exchange and a non-hierarchical application of technology. Its research is based on dialogue. Knowledge acquisition follows the particularities of each given topic. There are no standards or written rules of how to navigate other than dialogical exchange which will be documented in various media. […]

Polyarrythmia – Feral File

With this solo exhibition of electronic musician Jan St. Werner, the idea is to put audio at the forefront, positioning it at the same level as visual work within the framework of digital art. The nine compositions that make up Polyarrythmia—which can be taken as a set of sound works, a performance, an exhibition, an […]

The sound of distance – HKW

The Sound Of Distance Oct 21 – 24 2021 HKW Berlin If HKW were one big instrument, what would it sound like? The four-day festival The Sound of Distance takes this question seriously and seeks answers in the expanded resonance chamber of concerts, performances, talks and sonic activations, indoors and outdoors, in a radius that […]

squares will fall – ural biennial

Squares Will Fall is a multidirectional loudspeaker choreography performed by three acrobats of the Ekaterinburg Circus. Three elements of the composition are played via three loudspeakers hanging from the circus ceiling. The performers mix the sound elements in real time by moving the speakers. The audience is free to change position during the performance and […]

vertical swing – ural biennial

A resonating bass frequency on floor one is the basis for Jan St. Werner’s sound piece. Werner responds to the continuous swell and decay of the busy traffic noise that surrounds the tower by adjusting two sine wave oscillators to its unstable metrics. One sine wave is played through one of two open holes in […]