“The piece is 36 minutes in length and draws into itself a diverse range of sounds that Jan St. Werner has recorded during his stay in Marfa along with elements recorded elsewhere but which reasserted themselves in this place. The piece manages to be site specific, but without being orthodoxly so. The train is a […]

SPLIT ANIMAL SCULPTURE 10″ – infinite greyscale

As the title Split Animal Sculpture suggests, this piece manages to sound simultaneously biotic and fabricated. An impressionistic rendering of church bells and organ drone is suggestive of a large man-made structure, while in-between can be heard the flutters and whistles of something animated navigating it’s way through the reverberating buzz. This circling and spatial […]

BLACK MANUAL – Brigade Commerz

BLACK MANUAL – Brigade Commerz, CD, 2013 On “Mordendo” the dynamics of speaker compositions intertwine with concrete Afro-Brazilian sound patterns, with special “toques”, drum beat sequences also found in Samba and Candomblé… Sounds rear up, diffuse, and rhythms dissolve into tones thereby creating a “total music”. “Black Manual” was formed in 2012 after Jan St. […]

DAS ASYMMETRISCHE STUDIO 1-4 – Kunstverein München / Bayerischer Rundfunk

Series of performances, concerts, lectures and talks curated by Jan St. Werner at Kunstverein Munich in collaboration with Bayerischer Rundfunk “Hoerspiel & Medienkunst” DAS ASYMMETRISCHE STUDIO 1 Black Manual concert stream DAS ASYMMETRISCHE STUDIO 1 Black Manual concert video DAS ASYMMETRISCHE STUDIO 2 Helmut Lachenmann / Jan St. Werner DJ session & talk DAS ASYMMETRISCHE […]


Wichtel & die Wuchteln: “falscher Auerhahn” 12″ picture disc, no label Ingrid Wiener, Oswald Wiener, Rosa Barba, Klaus Sander & Jan St. Werner. Edit of a live performance at Villa Romana, Florence, 2011. Curated by Angelika Stepken. “Sound & noise collages played live with additional singing, percussion and subtle instrumentation. Somewhere between early Franco Battiato, […]

ENTLANG DER ZEITACHSE – WDR Studio Akustische Kunst

Radio composition for WDR Studio Akustische Kunst. “36 Sekunden dauerte der Satz, in dem Karlheinz Stockhausen während eines Vortrags in den frühen 1970er-Jahren die heute gängige kompositorische Praxis des Time Stretchings voraussah: „Wenn wir einen beliebigen Klang nehmen und ihn ausbreiten, also entlang der Zeitachse ausdehnen, bis zu einer Dauer von 20 Minuten, einen Klang, […]

GLASAUGE – ifrex

exhibition A P R I L 2 6 — M A Y 6 Wednesday – Sunday, 5 – 9 pm Virchowstraße 6 10249 Berlin WORKS BY AEAEAEAE, Rune Bosse, Julius von Bismarck, Julian Charrière, Merlin Carter, Andreas Dzialocha, Leon Eixenberger, Olafur Eliasson and TR, Eric Ellingsen, Tomas Espinosa, Maresa Fiege, Fabian Gisler, Andreas Greiner, Felix Meyer, Rodrigo Maltez Novaes, Markus Hoffmann, Jeremias […]