The NOISEROOM is an autonomous surround sound installation built for pre-recorded musical works and sonic experiments. It is a musical deconstruction of a room-within-a-room as much as it is a sound studio sculpture. Each musical work which is performed in the NOISEROOM has been selected, edited and arranged for a listening situation in which the […]

Marshall Amp Fire – CASCO

sound event @ CASCO Office for Art Design and Theory, Utrecht, Netherlands St Werner adapted electric harmoniums to create a subtle continuous sound that is every now and again disrupted by other noises that were recorded in the space, quietly harmonising and conflicting with the social setting. Casco archive

doku/fiction Kunsthalle Düsseldorf

Starting from the idea of producing a remix album of Mouse on Mars in book-form, Jan St.Werner and Andi Toma, in conjunction with the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, asked over 30 artists, musicians, designers and scientists to document their imaginative responses to and associations with Mouse on Mars. They were invited to contribute works for the project […]

Otto Rössler: Descartes’ Traum – supposé

Otto E. Rössler: Descartes’ Traum “Der Chaosforscher Otto E. Rössler (geboren 1940), Professor für Theoretische Chemie und Spezialist für Nichtspezialisiertheit, ist ein hinreißender Erzähler, der seine Hörer mit Begeisterung anzustecken versteht. Der Entdecker des nach ihm benannten Rössler-Attraktors hält die Wissenschaft für eine wichtige Aufgabe und gleichzeitig für ein Spiel, er schätzt Gehirngleichungen und die […]

Rosa Barba

Sound for films and installations Outwardly from Earth’s Center Somnium Definition Landfill Subconcious Society The Empirical Effect Who can tell if I’m inveting? The Long Road Time as Perspective Vertiginous Mapping The Color from out of Space Fosse d’Orchestre Vertigenous Mapping Bending to Earth a.o. “The work of Rosa Barba points towards a future cinema […]

Sound Speaker – STEIM

Comprised of unequal parts concert, exhibition, lecture and theatre play, “sound speaker” presents interdisciplinary performances highlighting the inconsequential and the unpredictable in music. The artists and performers take the stage and use sound itself as the medium to address questions of musical aesthetics, dynamics and logics. SOUND SPEAKER 1: David Michael DiGregorio and Sung Hwan […]

Open Lab 123 “On Being A Band” – DasArts

Musical Reading & Workshop by Jan St Werner October 11th – 23rd 2005 DasArts, Mauritskade 56, 1092 Amsterdam “By learning with others you can get instant feedback from other creative minds (each bringing to the table different experiences and insights) DURING the learning process. This enables a kind of collective experience that can be drawn […]

meshbox – STEIM

The meshbox is a real-time sample-based drum sequencer designed for live performances. It allows the sampling of any soundsource on the fly and is syncable to midi. It’s using a junxion board to send controller data to a junxion software patch which translates the controller events into midi. A mac powerbook running LISA is used […]